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Curiosities and  stories

Cathedral Nagyboldogasszony - (Kossuth square)

After the fall of the war of independence 1848-49 the citizens couldn't resign the kaiserism. They wore the cap of patriots and cockade. This amtosphere characterized the youth too. When the priest wanted to pray for the kaiser the students balked it with cough. The day after it the members of the choir joined to the students so the cough was louder. 11 students was charged: one was closed off the school the others got stripes and reprehension.

The statue of Nepomuki Szent János

(Cathedral Nagyboldogasszony, Kossuth square)

When the statue became ready, it was unpainted. In the beginning of the 19th century during a night someone painted it. They didn't find the delinquent. Only 60 years later confessed Illés Kaposi the act in a poem. He offered to repair the statue but the judge refused it.










Arany Oroszlán Pharmacy - (Fő street 19)

Mihály Csokonai Vitéz had to visit József Pryker's pharmacy because of a toothache - it was the second visit of the poet.
The connection of József Rippl-Rónai is not an everyday story. The father of the 14 year old boy - because of his bad school results - sent him to work as a pharmacy assistant. He impressed his left hand with vitriol and he wore its signs until his die. In spite of he didn't like this searching job, he became a pharmacy student. He finished the second year in the medical faculty and he got the certification of pharmatist too. Than he returned to Kaposvár to the Arany Oroszlán Pharmacy. In the loneliness of the duty room he painted the "Fiatal nő estélyi virágos ruhában".


Gergely Csiky Theater -(Rákóczi square)

The acting always had important role in the town. Therefore the building of a stone theater became due in the end of the 19th century. The chiefs of the town appointed the place in 1908 and announced the application. According to the gossips they wanted the theater to be at least one seat bigger than the National Theater was in Pécs.
Finally it opened its gates in 1911 and in that time that was the modernest and biggest countyside theater with the capacity of 1400 spectators.



Donner city part

János Donner - was autrichien and the big fan of beers - missed the good beer in Kaposvár. Sometimes he brought from Graz, but the delivery took a long time and during the travel it went wrong or they run out from it. In 1857 János Donner on the other side of the river Kapos built up his house and brewery. He didn't get licence for it, he opened a pub which became very popular. This pub doesn't exit but the part of the city was named after him.


More information: https://www.tourinformkaposvar.hu/dox/ren21.pdf

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